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Welcome to our website. We have the best vandas in the world and look forward to sharing our orchids and knowledge with you.

The artists formerly known as asocentrum...

The artists formerly known as asocentrum...

Vanda garayi and vanda ampullacea are gorgeous little miniatures with an interesting back story.

Did you know that they used to classified as "ascocentrums?" Then, in 2012, taxonomists determined that they were really vandas after all. Boom! A whole category of plants reorganized.

Dr. Motes wrote articles about then ascocentrum garayi and then ascocentrum ampullaceum for the American Orchid Society, which are available for free on our website by clicking here (garayi) and here (ampullacea) explaining why they deserve a spot in everyone's collection.

And after you check them out, take advantage of our special two for one deal by clicking here.

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What makes Hybrids so cool?